A silhouette of an eagle flying over a red background.

Janet Hayatshahi, MFA

Assistant Professor, Theatre


Teaching and Research Interests Anti-racist Performance Practices, Physical Theatre Techniques, Social Problems as Performance, Re-imaginings of ancient tales, and Inter/Cross-disciplinary Collaboration Janet Hayatshahi is an actor, director, and educator. She served as Associate Artistic Director and ensemble member of San Diego’s notorious Sledgehammer Theatre and ensemble member of Chicago’s Eclipse Theatre Company. She is interested in non-traditional performance environments and poetics in the use of space and architecture, particularly as they apply to the use of bodies in performance. She holds an MFA in Dance Theatre from the University of California, San Diego, an MA in Theatre from San Diego State University, a BFA in Acting from Ithaca College, and a certificate from the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts (PCPA). Acting credits include Elizabeth Almond in The Heiress (Arena Stage), Lady Macbeth in Macbeth, Indra’s Daughter in A Dream Play, Erda in Berzerkergäng (Sledgehammer), Maria Callas in Master Class (Poway PAC), and Clytemnestra in Agamemnon (European Rep). Directing: A Man, his Wife, and his Hat (Moxie Theatre), 9 Parts of Desire (Mo’olelo PAC), The Turn of the Screw (Cygnet Theatre), and Assistant Director to Robert Woodruff on Notes from Underground (La Jolla Playhouse)